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The power of your body 

                 Your body is one of the most amazing self-regulating systems.   It has innate regulating and regenerating capabilities that work to balance and repair itself.   Even with medical interventions, it is still the body itself that heals.   If body refuses to heal, no surgery will be helpful.   It is healthy to respect and support your body.   As people age, it is common that they become afraid of the body as they experience more issues and discomforts.  I think body is still there to do its best so it is our own responsibility to understand the body better and make decisions to support its health.

                  From a Chinese Medicine stand point,  sufficient blood and Qi (vital energy), and unblocked meridian system translate into a healthy and resilient body.  Sufficient blood and Qi come from nutrients absorbed through food and high quality sleep.  Unblocked meridian system depends on a healthy mind and regular movements.   A healthy mind is a mind that is free of fear, guilt, hatred, anger, jealousy, anxiety, greed and all other negative emotions.   For most people that is difficult to achieve.   The good news is that, therapies like acupuncture could directly unblock the meridians and assist the body in its attempt to reach balance again.   Sometimes patients feel they could breathe better, or something lifted after treatment.  That is simply because the treatment removes the blocks and normal circulation comes back.  

                  Meditation could also help smooth out the meridian system. The calmness and openess created by meditation helps activate microcirculation and begin the healing process. A simple exercise: try sit tall and take a deep breath to appreciate your body, drop all thinking and just be aware of all the bodily sensations be it comfort or pain.  Accept all of it and be with it for a moment, be grateful for all it has done for you.  

                   May your body become your best friend and support you fully for a healthy and joyful life!